Let us describe the life cycle of a Project in 4r

The client contacts us and requests the development of a project.

Analysis of requirements
Once we get the information provided by the client, we need to analyze if the data in our hands are enough to set up a budget. We also need to verify the technical feasibility of the project as well as the compliance with the requested due date.

Definition of the scope and conditions of the project
At this stage we define the scope of the project and generate backup information that will sustain the creation of the budget.

The company sets up the Budget to be sent to the client according to the definition of the previously settled project scope.

The Start of the project journey

Analysis, design and plan.
At this time we go deeper with the requirements the client has, back up information is generated and the execution of the project is planned.

Development, testing, implementation and training.
Our staff works following the guidelines, methodology and plan described.

The formal closure of a project is the feedback request from the client where we evaluate their degree of satisfaction.

Analysis of Requirements

The more or less effort/man-hours required at this initial stage depends on the degree of experience the client has in the kind of project being requested. The client must take this detail into consideration at the time of analyzing the project cost because if the request does not comply with the minimum of the established demands, our company must add extra work on advising and consulting as well as on drafting the base project.  In some cases, this stage is a project on its own.




Agile Methodologies

Traditional methodologies of software development have become obsolete as time went by and nowadays, the users´ demands are faster than the production capacity companies have. The new methodology allows us to incorporate our clients as part of the working team throughout the whole life cycle of their projects. Our experience in managing technology projects, plus our team of specialists who provide periodic technical advice to our clients, allow them to participate and control project quality and costs, avoiding last minute surprises.

Metodología scrum


The Idea is the concept or plan to be developed indicated by the client that arises from the opportunity to address a need, whether it is an own need or from a third party, by creating a project. Ideas can be more or less developed but they are the trigger that set people in motion to start a project.

Analysis of Requirements

This stage consists on the gathering and comprehension of the needs the client has in connection to the project and its scope. We can collect written documents that are further analyzed or meet the client to get to know what the needs and requirements are. There are several stages at this point that require group work that will conclude in the preparation of a document describing the initial scope from when development starts.

Product Backlog

After the analysis mentioned before, we proceed to write a document detailing the group of requirements associated to the project. It is the Product Owner’s responsibility to draft this paper and to establish the priorities of each demand. It contains detailed descriptions of what it is to be done and how we expect to put it into practice. This document might be subjected to modifications (adding or amending information is allowed) throughout the development phase.

Sprint Planning

This phase consists in setting up the sprint goal and planning the work schedule taking into account the duration of the sprint, which can last up to a week or four. Once the duration time has been agreed upon, we estimate the efforts that need to be put in the product backlog requirements, following the established order until no more requirements can be introduced within the determined period of time and thus generating the sprint backlog, which is the the product backlog part in which we will be working on.

Sprint Execution

The working team will start with the corresponding development plan considering the period of time previously defined based on the scheduling of tasks collected during the spring backlog. Once the execution of a definitive sprint has started this process cannot be modified, and in case that some changes need to be introduced they will have to be done once the period has been finished through a definition of another spring backlog.

Sprint Delivery

Once the sprint execution has been finished, a portion of the potentially definitive app will be provided.

Sprint Revision

After the sprint cycle has been concluded we summon a meeting in which we define what part of the job has been completed and what part is still pending. This revision is effected on a demo version of the final site.

Sprint Retrospective

We hold a meeting where all the team members evaluate the work done in the last sprint, identifying points to improve for the future. The main objective at this stage is to introduce a component of continuous improvement in the process.

1 Product Owner

The Product Owner is the only person authorized to decide which characteristics and functional features the product will have. It is the person that represents the client, the software users and all the parts that are interested in the product.

2 Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is the alma mater of the Scrum. A frequent mistake is to call this person a “leader” as the Scrum Master is not a typical leader but an authentic neutral Server that will be in charge of promoting and teaching the agile principles of the Scrum.

3 The Team

The Scrum Team, or simply “the team”, is the group of multi discipline developers that include programmers, designers, analysts, testers and others that are in charge of the development of the product.

4 Interested People

It is the group of people that are not directly related with the development process but need to be taken into account because they are the ones interested in the project, such as directors, managers, commercial agents, etc. The Product Owner will be in charge of gathering their opinions and suggestions and then decide if they are applicable to the project (Product Backlog) as well as if it will be convenient to invite these people to the revision of the material before handing it in.


  • Compromise and responsibility of our people.
  • Transparency and visibility of the project.
  • Focus on generating Return of Investment.
  • Respect among people.


  • Expectations fulfillment.
  • Flexibility to changes.
  • Reduction of project implementation time.
  • Better software quality.
  • Better productivity.
  • Return of Investment maximization.
  • Better time prediction.